Full Frame

Full Frame

Emmy award-winning weekly news magazine focusing on global current affairs, human interest stories, cultural dialogue, and social impact.

Full Frame
  • Full Frame: Shaping Afghanistan

    After decades of war, Afghanistan faces a struggling economy and unstable security. How are Afghans navigating the aftermath of two decades of U.S. occupation and now rule under a new government? Host Mike Walter interviews Afghan artist Omaid Sharifi of ArtLords and journalist Jeff Stern, author...

  • Full Frame: The Future of Work

    COVID-19 saw changes in the way society did nearly everything. From how people ordered their food, boarded their flights, to even how they completed their daily work tasks. The pandemic saw a 22% rise in granted patents globally, and with Ai infiltrating nearly every facet of the imaginable workf...

  • Full Frame: Innovations of Tomorrow

    Interviews with Benson Chan of Strategy of Things and Enass Abo-Hamed of H2GO Power

  • Full Frame: Sustainable Development

    The effects of climate change are making sustainable growth a priority in many places around the world. Featuring interviews with the Wilson Center's Jennifer Turner and the Arctic Economic Council's Mads Frederiksen.

  • Full Frame: Climate Adaptation

    The topic of climate change has been a key concern for decades. In order to save the planet nations have pledged to lower their carbon footprint in half by 2030. They also agree that access to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment should be a universal human right. And how does food aesthe...

  • Full Frame: Art and Activism

    Artists Nikkolas Smith and Phung Huynh share how their art can bring awareness to history and injustices.

  • Full Frame: Media Transformation

    How has the media industry changed over the decades? Full Frame takes viewers on a journey from the dawn of late-night tv to the modern age of streaming and live broadcasting.

  • Full Frame: Climate Culture

    Rising temperatures, accountability, perception… How are these linked? The connection between the influences of culture can explain the global legislation evolution, when it comes to climate change. In Central America, a country of merely 5 million, reversed deforestation and is now on its way to...

  • Full Frame: Climate Impacts

    Finding the right solutions to climate change starts with understanding the scale of its impacts. Full Frame speaks to Sophia Kianni, a social entrepreneur and founder of Climate Cardinals, and Mie Winding, who leads the climate research center at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources.

  • Full Frame: Climate Action

    What actions need to be taken to combat climate change. Full Frame talks to filmmaker Peter Byck, climate app developer and BrightAction founder Lisa Altieri, and CLEO Institute executive director Yoca Arditi-Rocha.

  • Full Frame: China U.S. Relations

    Since establishing formal relations in 1972, China and the US have become the world's leading superpowers. Now these two states make up over 1/3 of the global economy. We speak to Victor Gao and Yukon Huang to see how this relationship got established, and where things stand today.

  • Full Frame: The Global Arctic

    The Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the planet.

    As the region grows economically and in geopolitical influence, how is climate change driving global cooperation? Full Frame speaks to former President of Iceland Olafur Grimsson and Greenlandic politician Aaja Chemnitz Larsen.

  • Full Frame: Latino Art

    Latin American artists are looking to their roots to express their unique cultures. Many of them are self-taught, raised on free-styling. They are powered by the sense of community that permeates their daily lives. Full Frame talks to Adrian Ospina, Director of The Art Museum of The Americas, and...

  • Full Frame: A Green Future

    Global electricity demand is up by more than 6 percent, the largest increase since 2010. The demands were in large part due to strong economic growth, plus colder winters and hotter summers linked to climate change. As energy needs go up, how can cleaner sources take a bigger role? Donnel Baird i...

  • Full Frame: Ending Violence Against Women

    One-third of all women in the world have been the victim of violence. Full Frame interviews Amanda Nguyen, founder of Rise, and Luz Patricia Mejia of Organization of American States.

  • Full Frame: Sinking Cities

    Host Mike Walter interviews Miami Beach Dan Gelber and Daniela Fernandez, founder of Sustainable Ocean Alliance.

  • Full Frame: COVID Variants

    Interviews with Dr. Eric Ding, chief of the COVID Task Force at the New England Complex Systems Institute, and Dr. Javier Guzman, the director of Global Health Policy at the Center for Global Development.

  • Full Frame: Surviving Gun Violence

    The United States has more guns per capita than any other country in the world, taking thousands of lives. For the survivors of gun violence, healing can be a long journey. Host Mike Walter interviews Jen Wilson, survivor of the 2017 Vegas mass shooting, and Shelton Williams, survivor of the 1966...

  • Full Frame: The Politics of Climate

    The impacts of climate change are already being felt around the world. Political interests, however, have stalled real reform on climate policies. Host Mike Walter interviews with climate scientist Jagadish Shukla and Ecuadorian diplomat Ivonne Baki.

  • Full Frame: Race in the Americas

    Historically, indigenous people in the Americas have faced extraordinary challenges, from social and cultural discrimination to physical attacks. Host Mike Walter interviews Professor Elizabeth Rule of American University in Washington, D.C., and Gimena Sanchez-Garzoli, the leading Colombia human...

  • Full Frame: Going Green

    Full Frame interviews mayor of Akureyri, Iceland, Ashthildur Sturludottir, and Professor John Paul Helveston of George Washington University about efforts in the Arctic and in China to combat climate change and promote sustainability. We also profile underwater adventurer and activist Alison Teal.

  • Full Frame: Latin American Economies

    In 2020, the United States, Mexico and Canada restructured a decades-long trade agreement into modern times. How can this affect the finances of their southern neighbors? Is it too soon to tell? What are the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic? The Pan American Health Organization esti...

  • Full Frame: Mental Health

    The psychological impact of COVID can be hard to overcome. The pandemic – and the resulting economic recession – negatively affected the mental health of many people. As it wears on, many continue to face mental health challenges. So, in the years ahead, how can we transition safely and smooth...

  • Full Frame: Nixon's Trip to China

    Fifty years ago this week, U.S. President Nixon undertook a historic visit to China that would forever reshape the international geopolitical map and lay the groundwork for China’s opening to the world. It ended decades of separation between the two countries. Full Frame host Mike Walter speaks t...