Features Award Winners

Features Award Winners

CGTN's award winning programming from Americas Now, Big Story, and Full Frame.

Features Award Winners
  • Life After Hate

    The Southern Poverty Law Center has tracked more than 900 hate groups across the United States. Since 2017 the organization also has witnessed a 55 percent spike in the number of hate groups.
    Attacks by white supremacists have claimed dozens of lives within the last 2 years. Racial tension, viole...

  • A Long Lost War: The U.S. Military in Afghanistan

    The last four decades have seen Afghanistan exist as a nation ravaged by perpetual war following successive invasions by the Soviet Union and the United States. Today, left mainly on its own, Afghanistan remains in a state of civil unrest as its government continues its battle for hegemony agains...

  • Racism Against Asians in the U.S.

    The COVID-19 pandemic is sparking another epidemic: racism against people of Asian descent. Full Frame speaks to Asian Americans who have experienced racism since the pandemic started, as well as advocates John C. Yang and Rita Pin Ahrens.

  • Business Education is Changing Guatemala’s Indigenous Lives

    Approximately one million people are expected to fall into poverty this year in Guatemala, according to estimates revealed by the World Bank.  Indigenous women are the most vulnerable as only one in 10 indigenous do paid work and they normally get paid less than men and non-indigenous women. Harr...

  • I Can’t Breathe: Racism in the U.S.

    The debate on racial equality has reached fever-pitch in the United States following the death of George Floyd. Floyd died of forced asphyxiation, handcuffed in police custody, sparking nationwide protests and outrage.

    As protests, riots and a militarized police presence fills streets from coast...

  • A Colombian family's long ride on the Pan-American Highway

    It’s a highway that connects Alaska with Tierra del Fuego, in the Southern Cone. "Americas Now" follows a family on a two year-long road trip along the longest road in the world. 

    In 2016, the Rodriguez family packed up their bags and placed them in their 1981 Volkswagen Westphalia to take a lif...

  • NOLA silenced by COVID-19

    The city of New Orleans became one of the earliest hot zones for COVID-19.  

    Consider this sobering statistic. More people have now died from the Coronavirus than were killed by Hurricane Katrina 15 years ago.  

    While the crisis is abating, doctors and nurses are worried about a second wave, on...

  • The U.S. is the country with the highest number of nuclear reactors

  • African influence with Nnedi Okorafor and Magatte Wade

    Africa is the world’s youngest and fastest-urbanizing continent. By 2050, Africa will have half of the world’s population. Host Mike Walter talks to Nnedi Okorafor, author of Africanfuturism, and Magatte Wade, entrepreneur and founder of luxury Africa-based brands.

  • Asian Arts Influence with Hao Jingfang & Dana Tai Soon Burgess

    Through words, visuals and dance, Full Frame meets three artists of Asian descent who are contributing to a global understanding of their cultures and creating new visions of the world. Host Mike Walter speaks to sci-fi author Hao Jingfang and choreographer Dana Tai Soon Burgess.

  • New Global Order with Kishore Mahbubani

    In 1945, the U-S, and its western allies, designed a liberal global order to prevent armed conflict. It’s composed of the U-N, or United Nations, the IMF, or International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the WTO, or World Trade Organization, NATO and the G20. Numerous treaties and agreements wer...

  • Running Water: COVID-19 in Africa

    With the global COVID-19 pandemic still in full swing, people across the world are being advised to constantly wash their hands to avoid contracting the virus. However, for some this suggestion proves more challenging than others.

    South Africa and Kenya are two nations suffering from water scarc...

  • State of Fear: The U.S. Legacy in El Salvador

    El Salvador ranks among the world’s most dangerous places. Violent crime associated with gang activity creating war zone like conditions in a nation that has been at peace for nearly three decades. These conditions have caused thousands to flee the country for the nearby United States.

    Once in t...

  • Resilience - 24 Hours in Sweden

    With the vast majority of the world choosing to address COVID-19 with a range of mandatory public measures spanning lockdowns to curfews, one nation took a far different approach; leaving the choice to its people.

    Long known for its world class and socialized healthcare system, Sweden took an al...

  • Surging: 24 Hours in New Delhi

    With cases of COVID-19 climbing by the tens of thousands week over week, India has seen a surge of infections during its blistering monsoon season.

    The influx of COVID-19 has seen the country’s medical infrastructure be put to the test, while bringing the developing economy of the world’s fastes...

  • Curfew: 24 Hours in Africa

    With their booming economies and geographic positions, Kenya and South Africa have long served as a bellwethers and gateways for conditions on the African continent. The key roles they play have made them among the highest at-risk for COVID-19 in Africa.

    With large clusters of population density...

  • Emerging: 24 Hours in Europe

    Europe is ramping up efforts to return to normal life following prolonged lockdowns due to COVID-19. As infection curves across the European Union flatten, residents look to cope with the aftermath of the coronavirus.

    As some return to work with the utmost caution, thousands of others still la...

  • Infection: COVID-19 in Latin America

    As Asia, Europe and North America make plans and work towards reopening their countries and economies; Latin America is still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic.
    With existing infrastructural challenges, dense and large populations and economic difficulty challenging its residents, Latin Americ...

  • State of Emergency: 24 Hours in New York

    ‘State of Emergency: 24 Hours in New York’ puts viewers in the shoes of paramedics, doctors, bankers and restaurateurs to depict life in America’s most populous and economically critical city.

  • Recovery: 24 Hours in Wuhan

    Recovery: 24 Hours in Wuhan tells the story of how medical teams and volunteers are helping thousands return to their healthy lives in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recovery takes an in-depth look at the daily lives of patients, medical staff and volunteers as life after quarantine appe...

  • Quarantine: 24 Hours in Wuhan

    This documentary goes behind the scenes of the quarantine to follow the community heroes who are working around-the-clock to keep the coronavirus under control.

    We accompany a deliveryman named Lao Ji. Though his experiences delivering groceries and survival items to residents living in lock d...

  • Epicenter: 24 Hours in Wuhan

    This documentary goes behind the scenes and into the quarantine to follow the story of the Lei family and their fight against the Coronavirus as well as the story of the volunteers and professionals looking to help them.
    The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has infected tens of thousands across China...